Saturday 30 August 2008

Producer ready for Denver's Super Bowl of politics


Producer Ricky Kirshner knows how to couch on a big prove. After handling the Super Bowl, a NATO summit and four national political conventions, he was ready for the Democratic gather in Denver.

Then he conditioned that the convention starting Monday would move from the 20,000-seat Pepsi Center to 76,000-seat Invesco Field for Barack Obama's acceptance speech on the last night, Thursday.

Kirshner's reaction?

"After pickings oxygen for about an hour ..." he said, rental the punch line flow in the air before continuing. "I said to my pardner, one thing we're favorable about is that we've done so many arena shows."

This prison term around, it's both timing and size that count.

There's the issue of shifting the convening from one venue to another in one evening, and having to operate around football game games scheduled at Invesco within a couple years of the convention's opening and closing.

The plan was to impart equipment into the sports stadium this weekend and then "caravan over" from the Pepsi Center after events wrap thither Wednesday night, Kirshner aforesaid. "We'll practice a little and then show up Thursday and hope to do it."

Afterward, he has 48 hours to clear out for next Sunday's game between the University of Colorado and Colorado State.

Kirshner considers it worth the stress.

"I have my team with me, I know what we're acquiring into. It's not easy, but at the end of the day it's going to be unrivaled of the most historical things ever so, and how can you not want to be a part of it?" Kirshner said Friday from Denver.

The event at the Pepsi Center isn't diminished scale, by any measure.

About 400 people, including stagehands and proficient crews, are at function as RK Productions oversees the design, installation and operation of set, clear and audio systems. The company likewise is responsible for for amusement; even signs and banners are part of Kirshner's portfolio.

But it's the picture displays that tend to make the biggest splash.

"Every time you do one of these, you try to do something technologically advanced that people haven't seen before," Kirshner said.

That was a wall of 56 video recording cubes at the 1992 Democratic convention. This clock time around, Kirshner said, the set offers some 8,000 square toes feet of video panels with the flexibility to provide a changing setting for each speaker.

At bosom, a political convention is "a magnanimous corporate coming together," he said, which his company likewise routinely produces.

And no affair how dramatic the assemblage or Obama's stadium delivery turns out to be from a political standpoint, as a production it won't receive the clout of, articulate, a Beijing Olympics ceremony.

"Their budget was a caboodle more than ours and they had a lot more rid labor," Kirshner said.


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